About 9Times

NineTimes is a site dedicated to all Plan 9, Inferno and other related technologies.

Beyond news and announcements, it aims to include articles and interviews and encourage discussion and interaction among people interested in these topics.

Current editors and contributors

And powerman-asdf takes care of the Russian edition of 9times.

More contributors are always welcome!


Please send any interesting news items, articles, tips or suggestions to sl(a)stanleylieber,com

To register an account that will permit you to post comments on this site, send an email your desired user name and password.


Thanks to Alex Efros for maintaining the Russian translation of NineTimes.

And thanks to everyone that has contributed to Plan 9 and Inferno.


NineTimes is hosted by cat-v.org and is powered by the werc content management system and anti-web framework.

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